I really wasn’t ready to start my raw journey again when I started this blog earlier this year. I’ve been raw..again…for 3 days after a lot of soul searching and prep. So now, after a 1 week detox in preparation…I’m back to Raw Food only and have been so for 3 days. Now, I include frozen fruit in my definition of raw…just in case someone wants to correct me. I don’t follow a vegan way of eating or any other one per se. I eat what I eat…and my highest desire at this time in terms of eating is to be 100% heatlhy and natural in terms of eating.
Weight today: 184.5
What I ate today (so far):
Green smoothie with 2 bananas about a cup of frozen mango and a cup of frozen blue berries.
1 large apple
1/2 cup of raw walnuts
Salad with romaine, sunflower seeds, olives, olive oil, carrots, and mushrooms
I took a photo yesterday after working out (walking on the treadmill for an hour) in the morning in my sports bra and capri pants. Ugh…it was hard…because right now I wouldn’t want to show that to the whole world. I plan to take another photo at the end of the month and maybe…just maybe…posting it here. Lord! I know. It’s good motivation. Who cares about the before pic if the after is wonderful, right? But, really…I love myself now. That’s why I’m making this change in my life. So I can show myself love in being healthy and happy. Being free from dieting, free from bad self esteem in a world that tells you to love your fat self then tells you via commericals, media, etc how bad you look in comparison to the “ideal” images they present to you. No wonder the diet industry is huge.
Challenges for the day:
I have only had 2-3 strong cravings/thoughts about sugar and sweets. I read something great that Raw Food Coach Angela Stokes (she was just on CNN last week and got some much traffic her site crashed) wrote that helped me gain perspective. She wrote that food in cans and boxes isn’t really food to her anymore. I decided that was a good way to look at it. The food is full of dye, preservatives, etc. It’s like “food-product” compared to apples, oranges, etc. 🙂
Also, I was a little sore in my right hip today. That caused some concern because I had some inflammation in my hip from exercising without arch supports (I didn’t know I needed them till I went to the doctor). What can help that condition you ask? Weight loss. Another reason I’m making this change.
So, that’s all for today. Maybe I’ll post again tonight. Here’s to great beginnings.
Congratulations on the steps you’re taking to “go raw”. Your story is very interesting, and you write with such honesty. I wish you all the best. :O)
I’m not a raw foodist (just plain ol’ vegan), but I saw this invitation to a Rawkathon, and thought you might enjoy it. Have you heard about it? I’m sure you have, but just in case:
All the best!