Well, I’ve been maintaining 80-100% raw food for the last week and a half. It’s been hard. I moved and that was stressful so I started eating chocolate again. Blame it on Halloween. Other than that and some bouts with salmon I’ve been at least 80% most days.
I’ve had to really think about why I’m doing this. I’m thankful for some much needed encouragement that Raw Guru Tonya Kay left on this blog as a comment (Love ya!!! Thanks Girl). I’m trying to be gentle with myself and look at this as a lifestyle. I’m loving and honoring myself with the choice to go raw…I’m trying to be present and connect to this truth.
Habits are hard to break.
Tanisha Marshall
You know being 80% raw is a lot better then no raw.
Sometimes I wonder why people get stressed about being 100% (Mind you I can stress about it sometimes myself), if we are not mentally ready why force ourselves to be something we are not ready to be, I think it’s not very good for our health. I am one person that is tired of the labels because I believe being healthy is about more then what percentage of raw you eat, I believe it is about our mindset towards life, ourselves, others, what we believe, how we interact with people, do we love ourselves, it’s about having balance with our mind, body and spirit, there is so much more to being healthy then a label of 100%, also we have our environment which we can not control, which can cause just as much harm as food.
You are doing great.
Thanks Tanisha