Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!! I am man, and as man, I must watch football. I love my nachos, chips, wings and pizza, but that’s the kind of talk that got me to where I was in the first place. So, what can I munch on instead while yelling at the tv for the next 3-4 hours?…
Day 6 – Hands Off My Nut Meat
The kids have told me that every Tuesday night is officially Taco night. I know they like tacos, and all things Tex-Mex (and I think they also like to speak alliteratively by saying “Taco Tuesdays” as many times as possible until they’re sure I know what I’m supposed to cook for them that night). Me, personally?…
Day 5 – Mixing It Up
I know me and just like I said, I’m getting bored with simply eating unmixed food. It feels like I’m snacking all the time, or eating off of a really healthy hors d’oeuvres tray. So, I’m going to make my first dish, outside of making a salad today. It got this recipe from an Ani Pho…
Day 3 – Amped Up…
I realize I missed a blog post yesterday and there’s a reason. That’s because once my caffeine fog lifted, I woke up yesterday and found myself with WAY too much energy. I got up around 5:30 (on a saturday, like an old farmer or something), my headache was gone, my body felt energized and I…
Down 5.5 Pounds for the week
Yes! I’m down 5.5 pounds in one week. Raw Food is the way. I’ve been about 90% raw most days, 100% on 2 of the 7. Started on 4/22 Start Weight: 207 Weight this morning: 201.5 My first goal is 20 pounds: 187 Overall goal: 140 Yesterday, I had half a portion of Fry Bread…
Down 3.5 Pounds. YAY
Back on my total raw path for a WHILE (months and months) completely off the plan. I had meat, ice cream, diet coke, etc. I did the dang thing, as they say. I paid for it too. Why? Stress mainly. Coping with food. On Sunday, I weighed in at 207 pounds. Disgusted. This morning I…
204 Pounds
As I announced this morning via Twitter (@urbanrawfood), I’m once again re-committing myself to raw food. Why is this time different? Health reasons: I’ve been feeling the affects of the almost 20 pounds I’ve gained in the last 2 years. I don’t want diabetes. I’ve been saying that for a while. Also, I know…
12 Days into my Raw Food Recommit.
Down from 205 to 195. 10 pounds of weight lost…released never to return again. Banished. I’d say I’m 90% raw. My baby encouraged me to recommit after a long trip off the wagon. He’s doing the first 14 days with me. More to come. Muah!
The Detox Has Begun
I’m already seeing the signs of raw food detox and although it’s not always comfortable running do the bathroom during the workday, there are some great results I can already see. Mainly… The circumference of my midsection is smaller. I can tell because I’m wearing a form-fitting top today and I can really see a…
Dedicated to Raw…Again
Down from 201 to 197.5 in one week. YAY! I’m so happy to be back on raw food. Last week I wasn’t 100% raw (chicken, hummus and pita) but I still lost weight. Amazing. Finally getting back on track to living the raw vegan lifestyle. I’m so tired of myself. That is the best way…