I think I must have been detoxing yesterday because I slept until 11 am and when I got up I wasn’t hungry. Had some fresh squeezed OJ about an hour later and then did a lot of water the rest of the day. I snacked for lunch (2 nut/date balls and a pickle. I know,…
cooked food
Days 13-17: “It was all a dream…”
Sweets and comfort food were always a treat for me. Not being able to have them was a punishment. That’s how I felt on Day 13 (last Friday). I felt like I was in punishment and all I wanted to soothe my pain was some ice cream. I almost didn’t get any. I went out…
Day 8: The challenge of eating out at restaurants
Yesterday…Sunday Weight: 179.5 I ate: Green smoothie: banana, spinach, and frozen mango raw walnuts (about a cup) bowl of grapes Large salad with spinach, walnuts, boiled egg, fried crispy onion 4 deviled eggs (I know, I know) Day 8 was the day of the restaurant challenge. I took a friend of mine to a really…