I’ve made it to the mental promise land of 7 days. I am so proud of myself for staying on raw foods. Sure, I’ve had a few pieces of candy and a run in with my baby’s home cooking, but compared to the terrible eating habits I’ve been practicing for the past few years, this…
April 22 So far so good
I had a great Sunday being raw. After going out and looking at a condo I was interested in with 3 of my girlfriends we went out for lunch. They all had cooked food and I had steamed broccoli and read potatoes on the side. No…not raw…but I felt really good about it. I didn’t…
So much energy
I was so stressed about my taxes this year and usually that would lead to eating, eating, and more eating. But things are different and I’m so happy. Sunday I stayed in…rested from filing my taxes on Saturday. I ended up just napping, cleaning the house…it was great. I went to the store and just…
Fried Plantains and Potatoes
Today I had bananas, baby carrots, a cup of commercial apple sauce, my usual lunch salad with onions and spinach added, lots of water and…fried plantains and fried potatoes. It wasn’t so bad that I ate them…it’s vegan. However, the problem was that I wasn’t really hungry. Went to Silver Spring to with a friend…